Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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Welcome to Bligh Primary School.

Please click below to see a message from Mr. Markham, Head Teacher.



Please click below to see an introduction to Bligh nursery.



It is my absolute pleasure to welcome you to Bligh Primary School.

At Bligh Primary School, we know that it is our responsibility to give your children the greatest range of opportunities possible. We believe that providing the valuable building blocks to learning will enable your children to grow into successful adults and valuable members of our community. More than anything, we want to give your children the opportunity to make positive choices about their futures, to shape their own destinies, to be what they want to be! We are highly ambitious for all our children.

There is no greater gift than that of choice.

A child who attends Bligh will leave being able to communicate effectively and collaborate with others (these are specific foci in EYFS and KS1) as well as children playing their part in the communities in which they live.

Bligh Primary School is a school with HEART. We believe in Honesty, Empathy, Achievement, Resilience and Teamwork. These values are celebrated throughout the school and apply to both children and adults.

We believe that children learn best when they feel happy, safe and are actively involved in their learning. We are a school which believes in learning by doing. We encourage our children to learn as much as possible in a practical way to reinforce formal learning.

We expect our children to leave Bligh Primary at the end of year 6 being excellent communicators of their learning and emotions, and valuable team players. We have  ambition for all children which starts before formal school begins in our 'Strong Foundations' community led initiative. This supports parents, children and the community for 0-3 year olds.  We have strong links with our local secondary school which enables us to support and truly understand our children's educational journey beyond year 6.  

Positive child characteristics are supported by a consistent approach to children's behaviour. They are always 'Ready, Respectful and Safe'. This is supported by the school's work with the DfE National Behaviour Hub.

Bligh Primary school has a clear and defined approach to how teachers teach and how children learn. We follow research led practice (The Gradual Release of Responsibility, retrieval practice and CPA - Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract learning) to reduce cognitive overload and ensure lessons are sequenced.

I hope you find this website useful and l look forward to being part of your learning journey.

Mr C P Markham
Head Teacher