Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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Strong Foundations

A  baby’s first three years are truly amazing – a time of incredible growth and discovery. During this period, their brain is developing faster than at any other time in life, forming the foundation for how they learn, communicate, and build relationships. Every cuddle, word, and moment of play helps shape their future skills and confidence. 

Strong Foundations is about working with families and their young children to give them the best start in life. We want to work together to make sure children  experience success as they grow and are ready to move on to nursery and school.

Come and join us at one of our groups!

These earliest years are our opportunity to nurture children's potential in ways that last a lifetime.  Strong foundations matter!

Our timetable of activities

Our programmes

Time to Play Toy and Book Library

Understanding your Baby Tiny Talkers 

Little Chefs  

How to book

Time to Play and The Toy and Book Library are drop-in sessions, no booking is required. To register your interest in our other programmes, please complete the forms below.

Register interest - Tiny Talkers Register interest - Little Chefs 

Book - Understanding Your Baby  

Strong Foundations

Our 0-3 offer at Bligh Primary School

Contact us