Our SAFEGUarDING/Inclusion team
Our inclusion team is made up of two teams whose work crosses over on many occasions.
The first of these teams is our safeguarding team. Safeguarding is every member of staff's responsibility, however on occasion, individual members of the safeguarding team may be required to offer specific assistance.
Safeguarding Team
All parents and carers want to make sure that their children develop healthily and flourish. We are here to help you with guidance and advice on how you can build strong relationships with your children and to keep them safe. Please find below advice and resources for helping parents to keep their children safe, advice for keeping children safe out of school, at home and online, when using social networking websites, the internet and playing online games, and help and advice for creating a safe and nurturing environment for your children.
Members of of safeguarding team are:
Mrs. Giles- Mrs. Giles is the schools Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). Mrs. Giles is the first point of contact for safeguarding issues. a.giles@bligh-maritime.org
In addition Bligh Primary School has the following Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads:
Mrs. S Ryan- s.ryan@bligh-maritime.org
Miss. Bennett - a.bennett@bligh-maritime.org
Ms. Coulter- g.coulter@bligh-maritime.org
Mr. Markham- c.markham@bligh-maritime.org
Mrs. Denton- e.denton@bligh-maritime.org
Mrs. Collins- w.collins@bligh-maritime.org
Mr. Elliott - m.elliott@bligh-maritime.org
Mr. Wade - g.wade@bligh-maritime.org
Mr. Cobb - m.cobb@bligh-maritime.org
Other important links:
Mrs. Collins is the designated Teacher for Children in Care. w.collins@bligh-maritime.org
How to make a referral to Medway Child Services
For guidance, further details can be found from:
Key provisions working together safeguard children 2023
Working together to safeguard children 2023 statutory guidance
Why not view the most recent Pupil Safeguarding Review? Please click here.
(The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children is a charity campaigning and working in child protection in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands).
Should you need to contact the NSPCC, please ensure the following;
- Provide as much information as you can about the child and any concerns you have.
- Any details that can assist in identifying the child, such as their name or address.
- If you're requesting information, please advise what you want it for.
Phone: 0808 800 5000
TEXT: 88858
Email: help@nspcc.org.uk
Inclusions Team
The second of our teams is the inclusion team. This team is responsible for supporting children and families that may have specific and specialised needs.
Mrs. Collins- Mrs. Collins is the schools's Head of Inclusion. She is also the Special Education Needs and Disability manager (SENDCo). Mrs. Collins is the first port of contact for issues relating to special educational needs within the school. Mrs. Collins is the Designated Teacher for Children in Care. w.collins@bligh-maritime.org
Mrs. Webb- Mrs. Webb is the schools based Child Centred Therapist. Her role includes working with children through therapeutic input like play therapy. c.webb@bligh-maritime.org
Mr. Wade- As well as being a qualified teacher, Mr. Wade is responsible for working with vulnerable children or those with emotional or social needs. Mr. Wade supports in class and in small group settings. g.wade@bligh-maritime.org
Ms. Coulter- Ms. Coulter is the school's Special Educational Needs Assistant and healthcare needs specialist. Ms. Coulter works with the SEND Manager to liaise between the school and parents Ms. Coulter also works as the school's family liaison officer. g.coulter@bligh-maritime.org