Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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Learning Readiness and behaviour

HEART Values.

Our vision is that our children will become mature, independent and self-confident members of society. They will have a sense of social justice, moral responsibility and an understanding that their choices and behaviour can affect local, national and global issues. Where appropriate, lessons at Bligh Primary will attempt to link to one of our key values. Bligh is a school with HEART (Honesty, Empathy, Achievement, Resilience and Teamwork). We believe that these virtues will help shape our children's lives beyond primary school and into adulthood.


Simple behaviour structure.

Bligh Primary School is part of the Department for Education funded Behaviour Hub Program. This gives the school access to the latest training and research to ensure children are always ready to learn. Bligh children follow a very simple process of being:




These behaviour anchor words permeate every classroom and are clearly understood by the children.  

Along side this, our staff are encouraged to make routines  and behaviour routines evident when and where every possible. A great example of this is 'proud walking'. When you visit our school you will see children walking proudly and with purpose within the school building.


Children are encouraged to share opinions in a respectful environment, where there may be no right or wrong, only opinions listen to and respect. Through this our children become critical thinkers and well rounded individuals.


As well as being part of our school values, resilience and grit are encouraged both inside and outside the classroom. We offer lots of leadership and sporting opportunities to allow our children to experience success and failure. We also have external speakers (Channel swimmer, authors and publishers) who help our children link resilience with world beyond the school.


We understand the importance of nurturing relationships and teaching our children the importance of healthy and safe relationships. Whether this be with their friends, peers or online, we recognise that this is a vital part of our children's social and emotional development. This forms part of our RSE curriculum which was reviewed and consulted with stakeholders in 2021 and again 2024.


We acknowledge the importance of aspirations for our children and our community. We encourage all our children, during their time with us, to take on a leadership role of some kind. We believe this will develop the skills to lead in whatever field they choose later in life. Roles available range from prefects and house captains to peer mediators and the lunch time squad.