Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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Year 6 Term 3 {SECTION_MENU}

Curriculum Overviews

Welcome to our curriculum overview pages.

We hope you find these pages useful in gaining an overview of what our children are learning each term.

Hopefully you will also notice that some of the themes are repeated as the children move from one year to the next. This is a deliberate practice to ensure that themes are covered in-depth and that learning is fixed into our children's long term memory.

We also aim to give our children a wide curriculum offer that will prepare them for their onward journey into secondary school.


Our curriculum pathways show the journey your child will be on throughout their time with us. Our key objective is to ensure that your child is ready for each phase of their learning, ultimately leading to them being Ready for Secondary school (Secondary Ready). The pathways show the topics taught in school and the key knowledge and skills you child will gain as they progress through the school.

The best help you can provide for your child is to try and supplement their school learning with real-life experiences at the weekends and during the school holidays. This will bring the children's learning to life and give them a greater learning experience in school.

Naturally, reading with your child everyday will also help them gain the vocabulary needed to engage fully in their learning.


Core curriculum


This LINK takes you to White Rose which gives you an overview of the mathematics taught at Bligh Primary School. Simply selected the year group you child is in to see the units they are learning.

Journey to being an effective mathematician 

Writing and communication

Journey to an effective communicator- Overview for EYFS & KS1

Journey to being a writer- Overview for EYFS & KS1.

Year 3 overview

Year 4 overview

Year 5 overview

Year 6 overview


Early Reading- Please click HERE for an overview of our Early Reading provision.  

We use the Steps to Read curriculum. Please select the year group below to find the skills and genre coverage across the academic year.

Year Group Unit A Unit B Unit C Unit D Unit E Unit F

Year 2*

Beyond living memory- The Great fire of London
Year 3 Forces and rocks Reading breadth, stories and poetry Rivers and mountains Reading breadth, fairy stories and poetry Egyptians Stories, plays and poems- Different forms
Year 4 Living things, habitats and animals Stories and poetry- Different forms Vikings Myths and legends and poetry- Different forms Europe Stories, plays and poetry- Different forms
Year 5 Space Modern fiction and poetry Victorians Myths and legends North and South America Other cultures and traditions
Year 6 War Modern fiction and poetry Evolution and inheritance Heritage, plays and poetry Coasts Tales and poetry


* Year 2 progression on to Steps to Read will depend on individual children's phonics development.

Phonics- This LINK will take you to the Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) overview. This will give parents a feel for where their child might be within their phonics learning. Please speak to your class teacher for a more insightful understanding of your child's phonics progress.


Foundation curriculum



Computing- Coming soon



Design technology


School music development plan.

MFL-Updated soon





Archive 2021-22

Archive 2022-23